
Guid­ing your path to bet­ter hearing.

Hear­ing loss affects a large num­ber of peo­ple. It can occur at any age, but it is more com­mon as peo­ple get older. 

Audi­ol­o­gists at the South Bend Clin­ic spe­cial­ize in pre­vent­ing, detect­ing, and eval­u­at­ing hear­ing prob­lems. We col­lab­o­rate with our ear, nose, and throat spe­cial­ists to address hear­ing loss caused by med­ical dis­or­ders. We con­cen­trate on non-med­ical hear­ing loss ther­a­pies and also treat those with bal­ance difficulties.



Related Specialties

Hearing Aids and Assistive Listening Devices

Cochlear Implants

Bone Anchored Hearing Aids

Auditory Processing Testing

Swim Mold

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